Ablikim Abdiriyim, son of Uighur activist Rebiya Kadeer, has been tried in secret, reports Amnesty International. Ablikim is reportedly very ill as a result of beatings suffered in detention, and continues to be denied access to the medical treatment he needs. Ablikim was reportedly tried on January 28, 2007 on the charges of “subversion of state power”, “ethnic separatism” and “sending information over the internet to Ms. Kadeer”. (12-MAR-07)

This article is based on Amnesty International urgent action that started on March 8, 2007. Article has been re-published by Gunta Venge at the Rafto Human Rights House, Bergen

Ablikim Adbiriyim is currently detained in Tianshan Detention Centre in Urumchi, the capital of the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR). According to family members, his health has deteriorated further in detention but he has been denied access to the medical treatment he needs, leading to fears that his life may be in danger. Ablikim Adbiriyim´s family was reportedly warned by the authorities “not to mess with this” when they requested medical treatment for him. While in detention awaiting trial, Ablikim Adbiriyim reportedly endured regular long interrogations, beatings and other ill-treatment. Guards have reportedly refused to let him have the warm clothes sent by his family. He was reportedly seen being carried out of Tianshan Detention Centre on a stretcher on 26 November 2006.

Rebiya Kadeer´s family has been targeted by the authorities since she was first detained as a prisoner of conscience in 1999. This intensified after her release from prison on medical parole on 17 March 2005, when she left the People´s Republic of China for the USA. Rebiya Kadeer claims that prior to her release she was warned that if she engaged with members of the Uighur ethnic community or spoke publicly about “sensitive issues” after her release, her “businesses and children will be finished”.

Since Rebiya Kadeer´s release, Chinese police have launched an investigation into alleged financial irregularities by her family company in Urumchi. Rebiya Kadeer has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing. The Chinese authorities have formed the “Kadeer Working Group”, presumably to handle the state’s actions against the family and its businesses. The group has taken possession of all the properties of the Kadeer family, reportedly informing family members that they should find new residences because the court would be confiscating their properties around or after the Chinese New Year, in February 2007, as partial payment for the heavy fines levied on the family business. There have been no further reports of harassment or intimidation of other family members.

On 1 June 2006, Rebiya Kadeer´s sons Alim and Ablikim Abdiriyim were beaten by police in front of their young children as well as their sister Rushangul, who was then handed a mobile phone and told to call Rebiya Kadeer in the USA to tell her what was happening. On 27 November 2006, the day after Rebiya Kadeer was elected president of the World Uyghur Congress (WUC), the court sentenced Alim Abdiriyim and his brother Kahar Abdiriyim to fines amounting to millions of US dollars, and Alim to seven years’ imprisonment on charges of tax evasion. The pattern of retribution against Rebiya Kadeer’s family for her human rights activities cast serious doubt on the credibility of the police investigation.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Chinese, English or your own language:
– expressing deep concern at reports that Ablikim Abdiriyim is being denied access to adequate medical treatment for injuries sustained due to torture or ill-treatment in custody, and urging the authorities to ensure that he be given the medical treatment he needs;
– calling on the authorities to launch a full, independent and impartial investigation into the reported beatings of Ablikim and Alim Abdiriyim and to bring those responsible to justice;
– calling on the authorities to guarantee that Ablikim, Alim and Kahar Abdiriyim be given fair hearings if they appeal against their sentences;
– calling on the authorities to bring an end to the human rights violations directed at Rebiya Kadeer’s family, including ill-treatment in detention, police harassment and other restrictions on their freedom of expression.

Prime Minister of the People´s Republic of China
WEN Jiabao Guojia Zongli
The State Council
9 Xihuangcheng Genbeijie
Beijingshi 100032, People´s Republic of China
Fax: +86 10 65292345 (c/o Ministry of Communication)
Email:  gazette@mail.gov.cn        
Salutation: Your Excellency

Chairman of the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Regional People´s Government
Ismail TILIWALDI Zhuxi
Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu Renmin Zhengfu
2 Zhongshanlu                                
Wulumuqishi 830041, Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu, People´s Republic of China
Email: master@xinjiang.gov.cn
Salutation: Dear Chairman

Mayor of Wulumuqi Municipal People´s Government
Shokrat Zakir Shizhang
Wulumuqi Shizhengfu Bangongting
1316 Kelamayi Donglu
Wulumuqi Shi 830063, Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu, People´s Republic of China
Fax: +86 991 4689654
Salutation: Dear Mayor

and to diplomatic representatives of the People´s Republic of China accredited to your country.

PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat, or your section office, if sending appeals after 19 April 2007.

Source: Amnesty International http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGASA170112007