In April, first Kiev (the Ukraine) and then three Polish cities: Torun, Olsztyn and Kielce are hosting the screenings of documentaries from the repertoire of the Warsaw-based International Film Festival „Human Rights in Film”, organized by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. 

For the entire year following the Warsaw-based International Film Festival „Human Rights in Film”, selected films from its repertoire circulate throughout Poland as part of the so called    Travelling Festival. The screenings are accompanied by meetings with experts, workshops, discussions, concerts and exhibitions. In each of the cities, the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights cooperates with academic centres, non-government organisations or cultural institutions in the organisation of the event. This year the Travelling Festival will visit 12 Polish cities.

Apart from Poland, the Festival has also arrived in Kyrgyzstan: in 2003 it took place in Osz and in 2004, all things considered, in three Kyrgyz cities. In 2005, screenings of the festival films took place in Kiev, where they were presented as part of the festival “Ukrainian Context – Human Rights Documentary Films Days”.