The program “Better justice system” was initially established in 2007 by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and the Civil Development Forum Foundation. Within the framework of the program numerous reports have been published which concerns selected aspects of the functioning of justice system in Poland. According to the new agreement, Polish Business Roundtable will now finance the next series of reports issued under the program.
The reports are still going to contain sets of recommendations on the necessary reforms in the field of justice that need to be undertaken. "The proper administration of justice in Poland is in the interest of all citizens, as well as it has a positive impact on the economy and conditions for doing business in Poland" – said Andrzej Krajewski, President of the Board of the Foundation for the Development of the Civic Forum.
The first report will have been published by the end of March 2011. It will cover the issue of application of the preventive measures in the criminal cases. Topics for the future reports have been decided too. "Our experts with the cooperation of experts of Civil Development Forum Foundation will focus mainly on matters such as: court experts, economic education of judges and prosecutors” – says dr Adam Bodnar, Secretary of the Board of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.
Under the agreement of the organizations, the Polish Business Roundtable will be the main partner of the “Better justice system” program. "Members of the Polish Business Roundtable combines the belief that the success of Poland depends mainly on its economic development. This in turn is strongly associated with the proper functioning of justice "- said Zbigniew Niemczycki, President of the Board of the Polish Business Roundtable.
More information about the program is available here.