Since Wednesday, a report is available on the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights website ( concerning the state of human rights observance in Poland in 2004. The report was prepared for the European Commission by the President of Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights Marek Antoni Nowicki – the European Union’s expert on Fundamental Rights Issues.

After passing the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the European Commission set up the Network of Independent Experts on Fundamental Rights. The task, laid before these experts, is to monitor the observance of fundamental rights in the Member States and the European Union on the basis of the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The result of their work consists of annual reports describing the state of human rights observance both in particular Member States and in the European Union as a whole. Poland has participated in the Network since 2003 and Marek Antoni Nowicki has been its expert since the very beginning.

The first report on the state of human rights observance in the European Union and its Member States was published by the European Commission in May 2004.