The Ministry highlighted that the report is the first such a project that has been conducted in Poland until now.
The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights in the report pointed at problems such as, inter alia, restriction or prevention of the patient’s right to contact with the family and violation of the right to privacy. The Ministry of Health responded that these practices are inherent aspect of therapeutic treatment, such as the one provided to drug addicts. This way of treatment was initiated in 1978 by MONAR Association and included a method called “drug – free”. Nevertheless, centers established by other associations, rehabilitation centers, churches have offered much less restricted methods of the treatment.
Furthermore, the Ministry of Health informed that National Bureau for Drug Prevention [Narodowe Biuro ds. Przeciwdziałania Narkomanii] and the Psychiatry and Neurology Institute conduct the program of the evaluation of the therapeutic and rehabilitation services. The main aim of the National Program of Drug Prevention in 2011 – 2016 [Krajowy Program Przeciwdziałania Narkomanii na lata 2011 – 2016] is to improve standards of the assistance provided to people addicted to drugs.
The Ministry of Health reminded that new uniformed system of training for therapists and instructors in 2002 was introduced. Since that time 682 therapists and 223 instructors have received certificates who now work in treatment centers.
Accordingly the information presented in the report of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, the current treatment programs for drug addicts are not sufficient. Therapists’ decisions are based on their own experiences and beliefs rather than on the scientific knowledge established nowadays. The Ministry of Health declared that these conclusions will be debated and taken into consideration.
The Ministry of Health stated that the conclusions of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights report are similar with the program of the National Program of Drug Prevention in 2011 – 2016, especially in the field of increasing the availability of ambulatory care. The Ministry of Health admitted that since the above-mentioned aims have not been achieved yet, they have been included in the National Program of Drug Prevention prescribed for the years of 2011 – 2016.