A demonstration in support of the peaceful protesters in Burma took place in Bergen on 29 September. Bergen Sosialistiske Ungdom took initiative for a cross-political demonstration against the military dictatorship in Burma to show their support of the monks marching through the streets of Rangoon. Around 200 people joined this demonstration in Bergen.

Gunta Venge/Rafto Human Rights House, Bergen. Photos: the Rafto Human Rights House

The people of Burma are suffering under the rule of the military regime. The organizers of the demonstration wanted to show the support to the protesters and their demand for democracy and freedom of speech, said spokesperson Lars Sverkeli. All political organisations, parties and movements were encouraged to join this event.

Burma_demonstrasjon_Bergen1.JPGDemonstration in Bergen last Saturday was a part of similar events taking place in many other places around the world. Chairman of the Rafto Foundation, Arne Liljedahl Lynngård hold an appeal and expressed: “We are humble and full of admiration to see the courage the Burmese monks and nuns, as well other opposionals show in their non-violent struggle”.

Arne L. Lynngård stressed out that the People´s Republic of China is an important actor and could play a key-role to resolve crisis in Burma in a peaceful way: “China is one of the countries which can influence the military junta”.

Chairman of the Rafto Foundation also focused on Norway expressing that Norway has a special responsibility to support Burmese people: “We have awarded the Rafto Prize and the Nobel Peace Prize to Aung San Suu Kyi, the symbol of the Burmese struggle for freedom. We have also supported the establishment of the Democratic Voice of Burma, the only Burmese independent radio and TV channel”.

One of the Burmese in Bergen, John Oo, read a letter he had received the letter from one of the student leaders in Burma, Htay Kyaw. Kyaw says that the support statements, as well diplomatic press from the international society is not enough. In his view, the UN has to take responsibility and end the military dictatorship in Burma: “We beg the UN and the international society to send the UN Peace keeping troops to Burma immediately”, writes Kyaw.