Only six places or more precisely, 3.04% positions in the public sector of the Canton are taken by citizens of Serbian nationality. That and the fact of even worse situation in other municipal and cantonal bodies (all 9 mayors of municipalities in the Canton are Bosniaks), show that there is lack of will and political readiness for implementation of the Amendment. 

For instance, in one of the most important institutions of the Canton of Sarajevo not a single Serb is employed (President of the Parliament, Premier of the Canton of Sarajevo, Cantonal Court and Main Prosecutor).

The positive example of the implementation of the Amendment is recent election of the City mayor and his associates, but also national structure of the employees in the governance of the Canton of Sarajevo.

The initiative that was started by the Clubs from Serbian and Croatian political lines, has made the Canton parliament to adopt a Conclusion which demands in following three months, establishment of the Program of the national balance that is, for all three constitutional peoples to be equally represented in public sector. This request is based on more than evident domination of one nationality in the public sector of the Canton of Sarajevo and its municipalities.

Less and less Serbian returnees in the Canton of Sarajevo
The second issue is a trend of less and less Serbian returnees back in Sarajevo Canton. In the year 2008 and the first 6 months in 2009, only 117 Serbian families returned home, which is significantly lesser than the number in 2002, when 7.654 of them returned to their homes.

This new state regarding return in the Canton is based on the unemployment issue, departure of bigger humanitarian organizations from B&H and the Canton, inadequate criteria for reconstruction of homes and of course less number of interested and willing Serbian citizens of B&H to come back, in general.

„We condemn all verbal insults to the city of Sarajevo and to citizens of Sarajevo, including public calls for Serbs to leave Sarajevo, creation of false image of the impossibility of co-living in Sarajevo and lies about Markale massacre, spread by politicians coming from the Serbian entity of B&H, Republika Srpska. Serbian Civic Council cannot support these statements and will continue to work on independent, prosperous and democratic Bosnia and Herzegovina“, it is stated in the report of Serbian Civic Council – Movement for Equality.
