A Joint Statement on the recent arrest of 88 Generation Students Group leaders was issued on 3th October by Burmese democratic forces in Norway. The statement was signed by 6 Burmese exile groups and calls for an immediate release of political prisoners, a meaningful dialogue between all concerned parties and a a lift of all suppressive measurements. (8-OCT-2006)

Read the statement:

We strongly denounce the Burmese military government for the recent arrest of Ko Min Ko Naing,
Ko Ko Gyi, Ko Htay Kyawe, Ko Pyone Cho and Ko Min Zay Ya, the leaders from the ” 88
Generation Students Group” on 27th and 30th September 2006.

We believe that this move conducted by the regime is not only leading to further devastation of a
country, but also ignoring the national reconciliation, democratic reform and peaceful change that
Burma needs today.

On the other hand, the regime has clearly shown not to cooperate with the international
community and decided to confront them and the United Nations Security Council.

Therefore, we urge all overseas Burmese democratic forces to work together for more pressure
on the military regime in line with the movement of those democratic forces inside Burma.

To overcome today political and economic crisis that all citizens of Burma are facing with, we
demand the ruling military junta to;

i. release Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, U Tin Oo, U Khun Htun Oo, leaders of 88 Generation
Students Group and all political prisoners immediately.

ii. start a meaningful dialogue between all concerned parties as soon as possible.

iii. lift all unfair measurements which suppress and oppress on political activists.

Date: 3rd October 2006

Contact: Ko Yin Htwe (0047 90873477)
– National League for Democracy (Liberated Area-Norway Branch)
– Democratic Party for a New Society (Norway Branch)
– Rakhaing National Association (Norway)
– Burmese Muslim Political Awareness Organisation (Norway)
– Mon Organisation (Norway)
– All Burma Federation of Students’ Unions (Foreign Affairs Committee- Norway)