In March 2011, press informed about the case of 15-year-old girl, Dominika who was refused access to trainings in sport club Unibax in Toruń, Poland. She was said that she would not be able to train speedway as good as boys do.
Speedway is said to be typical male sport. The thousands of fans watch the competitions – but it is always reserved only for men. The role of women during the competition is limited to standing in scanty outfits on track and waving colorful umbrellas, so the riders know on which track they have to set.
Numerous examples of women’s participation and successes in speedway all over the world confirm that using a gender criteria in selection of players is not justified. Additionally, all European countries with developed speedway league can boast about successful women-competitor.
The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights reminded that in the light of Polish regulations women are entailed to participate in all forms of speedway competition. Therefore, the Foundation appealed for actions promoting the principle of equality.