Amnesty International Norway demands the Chinese government to release Hu Jia, or give him a fair trial. Hu Jia is still in prison and his wife is being harassed and monitored round the clock.

Take action!
Amnesty International will film and take lots of pictures of the action, which will be sent to Hu Jia’s wife in the People´s Republic of China and set out on YouTube, web and social media.

The participants of the action will hear an appeal from Tanja Clifford at the top of Lønahorgi hill, after that the skiers are going to ski or fly back down to Bavallen.

The ski tour is open for everyone. Find more details about the ski action here (in Norwegian).

See movie from the appeal last year here (in Norwegian).

For questions please contact the regional Norwegian Amnesty International leader Tanja Clifford,

Hu Jia, a democracy, environment and Aids activist, is serving a jail term for “inciting subversion of state power”. After months under house arrest, Hu Jia was detained on 27 December 2007. He was formally charged on 28 January 2008. On April 3 2008, he was sentenced to three-and-a-half-years in jail. Hu Jia has won the European Parliament’s Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought in 2008. the People´s Republic of China, which views Mr Hu as a criminal, reacted angrily to news of the prize, saying it was “a gross interference in China’s domestic affairs”.

Hu started his activism as an AIDS activist in 2001. He is the co-founder of the Beijing Aizhixing Institute of Health Education and of Loving Source, a grassroots organization dedicated to helping children from AIDS families. Due to his activities and outspokenness, Hu Jia was repeatedly harassed and beaten by police.

Amnesty International considers Hu Jia a prisoner of conscience and has demanded his immediate and unconditional release.

You can find out more about Hu Jia here (in Norwegian) and here (in English).