About sports and politics, diplomacy and human rights

Breakfast seminar at the Rafto Human Rights House in Bergen, Menneskerettighetenes plass 1

Friday, January 26 from 9:15 – 12:00

Registration for the seminar within Tuesday, January 23: send e-mail to mail@raftohuset.no
or phone 55 21 09 30. Free entrance. Working language: Norwegian


0915 – 0930: Coffee and tea

0930 – 0945:  From Moscow 1980 to Beijing 2008
Jan Ramstad, Chairman of the Board of the Rafto House

0945 – 1005: War and Sports
Matti Goksøyr, professor at the Sports Academy of Norway 

1005 – 1020: Coffee break

1020 – 1040:  Football reconciliates!
Anders Krystad, Football Association of Norway

1040 – 1100: Connection between sports and reconciliation. About a new collaboration
project. Andreas Selliaas, researcher at the Norwegian Institute of
International Affairs

1100 – 1120: Lunch break

1120 – 1200:  Debate. Speakers presented above together with Knut Helland (professor
at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen), Britt Karen Spjeld (Head of the sports, region of Hordaland) and Kristen Skjeldal (former member of the Norwegian ski team)

Moderator:  Project coordinator: Sverre Chr. Wilhelmsen, The Rafto House

Organizers:  Project Sports and Reconciliation –
The Rafto House and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs

More information about the project: