Poles are now seeking help in Strasbourg in nearly every domain. As regards the number of cases, we are in second place, just behind the Russian Federation. Citizens most often complain about excessive duration of remand and proceedings that go on for years. In recent years, the number of complaints has risen: from 66 in 2004 to 256 in 2006. (23-AUG-07)

Written by Agnieszka Chmielecka/ HRH Warsaw
Photo by Wikipedia
Source: ” Rzeczpospolita”

107 verdicts were passed last year, in which at least one violation of the European Convention on Human Rights by Polish authorities was stated. The most cases against Poland relate to excessive duration of remand (108 verdicts in the years 1999–2006) and protractedness of court proceedings (210 verdicts in the years 1999–2006).
Why to Strasbourg?
People who consider themselves wronged by a court verdict often seek assistance at nongovernmental institutions dealing with legal counseling, inter alia at the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. The Foundation’s lawyers provide either assistance in writing complaints following the court’s verdict or guidance in cases that are in progress. This is not just about receiving compensation from the Polish state in specific cases of violations of the Convention, but also about the fact that due to the judicial decisions passed by the Court in Strasbourg in certain cases Polish law-makers have to improve the existing law, which is inconsistent with the European Convention, or Polish courts must take a different course of ruling. That is why it is so extremely important for the Foundation or other similar institutions to provide guidance in cases.