The most recent OSCE status report on Croatia?s progress in meeting international commitments in the period from November 2004 until 7 July 2005, presented yesterday by the Head of the Mission, ambassador Jorge Fuentes, acknowledged Governments commitment to fulfil it?s OSCE obligations. However, the necessary reforms related to the return of the refugees, rule of law and minority rights proceeded at a lower level. (13-JUL-05)


An 18 page report outlining the progress made by Croatia in areas covered by the OSCE Mission mandate comprises refugee return, judicial reform and the rule of law, police reform, and electoral reform, freedom of the media and the development of the civil society.


The improvements regarding the development of the democratic institutions and civil society, the enhancement of the media freedoms and the democratization of the police have reached a satisfactory stage, whereas the other three areas require additional efforts in order to achieve full commitment to the OSCE commitments.


These are issues related to the return of the refugees, especially the provision of adequate housing, the rule of law and judicial reform, as well as more intensive implementation of the constitutionally guaranteed minority rights. Apart from that, the Report also addressed the urgency of further judicial reforms related to the announced transfer of some ICTY war crime trials to Croatian courts. In addition, the Report highlighted the Governments commitment to take further steps in adopting the new electoral law as a condicio sine qua non of the needed electoral legislation reform.


-When Croatia carries out these two steps, as well as its commitments towards the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia [ICTY], the implementation of the Mission mandate could be very well advanced. – said the Ambassador.


The text of the report is avaliable at the