Around 20 representatives from the Human Rights House Network will attend the annual Network Meeting, which this year will be held in Moscow in the period 17-19 January. (14 January, 2003)

The representatives will gather to discuss further cooperation. On Friday 17 January there will also be a press conference on the situation in the Chechen Republic.

The meeting will be hosted by the Russian Research Center for Human Rights. Contact person: Ms. Natalia Taubina, tel : +7-095-291-5396, 291-9089, mobile phone: 8-902-671-9230. Contact person from the Network Secretariat: Ms. Borghild Krokan, tel: +47 23 30 11 00. Ms. Maria Dahle and Ms. Marianne Hille will also represent the Secretariat.

Most of the representatives will be staying at Budapest Hotel, tel. +7-095-921-1060.