The purpose of this project is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of Macedonian legal framework regarding women’s rights protection, and therefore contribute to the promotion of more effective implementation of women’s rights in the Republic of Macedonia.

The content of this publication (document attached) refers to the evaluation and results from the civil and criminal court proceedings, relations between the courts, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Centres for Social Welfare. It gives clear insight on how certain rights are applied such as right to trial within a reasonable time, as well as the equal applicability of law for all citizens of Republic of Macedonia through access to justice to the courts and all institutional systems.

“From the accomplished monitoring, a realistic overview is given to the proceedings related to domestic violence, and the way they are unrolling. The positive effects are achieved so far, however there are still existing negative sides, which must be overcome in the future”, they state from MWRC.


  • MWRC Monitoring

    Monitoring of the Court Proceedings (in Macedonian and English)