Warsaw, May 20, 2005


Mr. Marek BELKA

President of the Council of Ministers

Republic of Poland

Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3

00-583 Warsaw


Dear Mr. Premier,

On behalf of the Helsinki Committee in Poland and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, I turn to you with a request that the Government of the Republic of Poland take a specific position in the matter of the massacre that took place in the city of Andijan in Uzbekistan. The use of troops against the civilian population is impermissible, irrespective of the political or religious leaning or social status of the protest leaders. A rapid and unanimous reaction by the international community to the events in Uzbekistan and its active participation in the complete explanation those events may be the only way to halt the conflict’s dangerous escalation.

I also request that you convey to the government in Kyrgyzstan an express expectation that it fulfill its international obligations arising from the Geneva Convention, which it signed in October 1996, with respect to the status of refugees, and that it shelter Uzbek refugees in compliance with the international standards arising from that Convention.

Thank you on behalf of the Helsinki Committee in Poland and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.

Kind regards,


Danuta Przywara

Vice President of the Board