For another day Polish students in Warsaw demonstrate their opposition to frauded election in Ukraine. In the streets, there are also human rights activists, politicians and inhabitants of the capital city. The people dressed in orange shout: “We won´t leave Ukraine”, “Kiev – Warsaw common matter” and “Ukraine without Putin”.

The manifestation  took place on Sunday, November 28. The participants urged Ukraine´s authorities to hold a democratic election. On Monday, when the information about fraud appeared, students organized another demonstration and decided to meet every day until the votes are counted honestly. Every day, in spite of frost and snow, more and more people come. On Tuesday, November 23 about 1200 people took part in the rally supporting the democracy in Ukraine. Protesters handed President Kwasniewski a petition in which they call him not to accept the election results. Then they marched to the Ukrainian Embassy. Today a similar rally is taking place in front of the Parliament building, where a similar petition will be handed to the Sejm Marshall.
