In 1980-ties, she was a mediator in the Commission of the Mediation of the Mazovia Region of NSZZ „Solidarność”. She is also a co-founder of the Helsinki Committee in Poland – the organisation functionning illegaly in the anti-communist underground. She was conferred Knight’s Cross of The Order of Polonia Restituta (2003), Officer’s Cross Cross of The Order of Polonia Restituta (2011) and the Bene Merito Medal (2011).

„Danuta Przywara is an outstanding defendant of human rights, founder and organiser of the activities of the Helsinki Fondation for Human Rights. She has a great personality and is well recognised in environment of the activists and founders of non-governmental organisations. She uncompromisingly stands for those whose rights are infringed. She defends firmly independence of non-governmental organisations which watch the action of authorities”  – the jury wrote in the reasoning of its decision.

„I consider this distinction a prize, but also a commitment, which Foundation has to make. Particularly, its Program of Legal Asssistance to Refugees and Migrants, Strategic Litigation Program and educational program: Take a Course on Multiculturalism” – said Danuta Przywara while accepting the award.

During the creemony, prof. Wiktor Osiatyński delivered laudation in honour of the laureate and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.

Jerzy Zimowski, departed in 2007, was a lawyer, opposition movement activist and a member of the Polish Sejm (1990-96). In 1980-ties he played an active role in Solidarność movement. He was imprisoned by the communist authorities during the Martian Law in Poland. After 1989, he became a secretary of the Citizens’ Committee, Member of the Polish Sejm. He was greatly concerned with issues of migration and refugees. For a number of years he was a memeber of the Council for the Refugees. He was also a member of the board of the Institute of Public Affairs.

„For us, Danuta Przywara reminds a conductor of the orchestra which consists of the many great and outstanding instrumentalists. Only under her direction, this orchestra is able to play great symphonies” – says dr Adam Bodnar, Deputy Chair of the Board of the Helsinki Foundation.

Congratulations from HFHR Team!