The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) requests  Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz – Prime Minister of Poland to submit to the Sejm an appropriate bill for ratification of the Protocol No.14 to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Poland remains one of only five states that have yet to submit ratification instruments (including the Russian Federation and Turkey). (23-JUNE-06)

(Unofficial translation)

Warsaw, 19 June 2006


The Honourable
Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz
Chairman of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Poland

Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

Protocol No.14 to the European Convention on Human Rights was adopted and opened for signature by member states of the Council of Europe on 13 May 2004 in Strasbourg. Its primary objective is to maintain and reinforce the existing control mechanisms, including the exceptional role of the European Court of Human Rights. The Protocol would substantially reform the system for reviewing applications. Furthermore, it would introduce additional checks on member states’ implementation of Court decisions. As a result, the European Court of Human Rights will be able to deal more effectively with its growing backlog of cases.

Protocol No.14 will enter into force pursuant to its being agreed on by all Council of Europe member states. Please note it has been ratified by 41 of the Council of Europe member states. Poland remains one of only five states that have yet to submit ratification instruments (including the Russian Federation and Turkey).

The fastest possible entry into force of Protocol No.14 is in the best common interest and individual interest of each member state of the Council of Europe. Delaying its ratification will be perceived as an incomprehensible impediment to improving the observance procedures for the European Convention on Human Rights.

In this situation, we feel obliged to request that you submit to the Sejm an appropriate bill for ratification without any further delay.

Respectfully Yours,

On behalf of the Board of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights,


Marek Antoni Nowicki
President of the Board