This work will be done within the framework of STRONG (Sustainable, Target-group oriented, Resilient and Open NGOs with Good governance) Civil Society, project implemented by Human Rights House Foundation and co-funded by the European Union and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. With STRONG, HRHF sets out to strengthen the role that Human Rights Houses, member NGOs and other CSOs play in the democratisation processes in their countries. A Good Governance Guide and Manual on how to establish a Human Rights House will capture some of the tools that HRHF uses in its capacity building work within the project and beyond.
Scope of service
In addition to using its own expertise and experience in the area of civil society development and good governance, HRHF is seeking a consultant to prepare the Good Governance Guide and update the Manual based on:
- HRHF´s draft of Good governance guide, Manual on how to establish a Human Rights House and background documentation
- Examples and practices of Human Rights Houses related to good governance and establishment, to be collected and provided in writing by HRHF
- Recommendations from external evaluations of HRHF and Human Rights Houses
- Consultations/workshops with some of HRHF staff
Content and format of both publications will be agreed upon between HRHF and the consultant prior to drafting. Both documents will be prepared in the English language.
The service is budgeted for up to 6 consultant days.
Experience, Skills and Qualifications
HRHF is seeking a consultant with the following experience, skills and qualifications:
- Experience working with/ in civil society and preferably in the human rights field.
- Good knowledge of the human rights movement in Eastern Partnership countries and the Russian Federation.
- Documented experience working on the topics of good governance in civil society and preferably in the human rights field.
- Good knowledge and understanding of the network of Human Rights Houses is an advantage.
- Fluency in English; knowledge of the Russian language is an advantage.
Application period closed
The deadline for applying to undertake this consultancy expires on 17:00 CEST 27 August 2023.
About HRHF
Human Rights House Foundation establishes, supports, and connects Human Rights Houses – coalitions of civil society organisations working together to advance human rights at home and abroad. Today, more than 80 civil society organisations are united in Human Rights Houses in an international network active across Eastern Europe, the Western Balkans, and the Caucasus. Together, we advocate for the freedoms of assembly, association, and expression and the right to be a human rights defender. These four rights underpin a strong and independent civil society and protect and empower human rights defenders.