SUPPORT THE RELEASE OF ALL PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE IN BURMA. The Rafto Foundation in cooperation with Amnesty International Norway, Exile Burmese and Save the Children Noray arrange a mass demonstration for Burma on Monday, 10 December at Torgallmenningen at 13:00 (05-DEC-07).

Gunta Venge / Rafto Human Rights House Foundation Bergen

December 10th is celebrated world-wide as the International Human Rights Day. The Nobel Peace Prize ceremony takes place in Oslo on this day.

Aung San Suu Kyi was awarded the Rafto Prize in 1990, and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991. She is today the only laureate of either prize who is in house arrest for her work to promote human rights.

The Burmese regime plunders the country´s natural resources, persecutes minorities, and uses children as soldiers and laborers. Thousands of democracy activists suffer in Burmese prisons from neglect of basic needs, physical and psychological abuse, and murder.

Show Aung San Suu Kyi and the prisoners of conscience in Burma that they are not forgotten!

Join us to make film and postcards to demand the release of all prisoners of conscience in Burma!


12:30 Peace wishes are placed on the Christmas tree at Torgallmenningen in Bergen

13:00 We pose for photographer Hans J¸rgen Brun, listen to appeals, and sing Christmas Songs to make our support seen and heard around the world.

13:30 The event closes.

