On 10 October 2007 in Kosovo, the Parliamentary Commission for Legislative and Constitutional Matters approved a short list (3 candidates) for the Ombudsperson in Kosovo position. The Parliament will vote over them soon. The same day, Marek Antoni Nowicki, former Ombudsperson in Kosovo, at present the President of the Board of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, sent an open letter to the President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Mr. Kole Berisha, in which he wrote about his concern regarding the current election procedure. ( 19-OCT-07)

Written by Agnieszka Chmielecka/ HRH Warsaw
Sources: www.amnesty.org, www.hrw.org; www.yi.org.yu; www.nhc.no; www.ombudspersonkosovo.org

The panel of the Assembly of Kosovo recommended three candidates for the Ombudsperson position to the Commission for Legislative and Constitutional Matters, which has supported them.  According to the statements of the members of the Commission, new candidates were selected based on evaluation points that they had received during their interviews. In the same time candidates who have previously competed for this position, were excluded.

Marek Antoni NowickiOpen letter
Marek Antoni Nowicki, left, who was on duty as Ombudsperson in Kosovo from 2000 till 2005, was greatly involved in establishing that institution and preparing professional staff for carrying out the institution’s duties after his departure. Nowicki considers, regarding the issue of election, that decision should be made fairly and responsibly, not because of any political or other similar reasons. He underlines that “the office of the Kosovo Ombudsperson may be held only by a person with appropriately high professional and moral qualifications and reasonably extensive (for Kosovo’s conditions), genuine and recognised experience in the area of human rights” and who gains respect of all Kosovo inhabitants. “The Ombudsperson should be able to make objections concerning any kind of pressure regardless their sources”.

Amnesty International and other organisations’ statements
Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and several organisations from Kosovo: Youth Initiative for Human Rights –YIHR, Humanitarian Law Center –HLC, Elysium Initiative for progress –INPO, CMB Mitrovica Organization for Democracy, Anti-Corruption and Dignity – ÇOHU! Little People of Kosova  reacted on the letter of Marek Antoni Nowicki and called the Assembly of Kosovo to make sure that the Ombudsperson selection procedure is fair and transparent and to ensure that the person chosen for the position has “the necessary expertise, independence and profile to fulfil the mandate of ensuring the protection of the rights of all persons in Kosovo” (AI public statement, 12.10.2007). Amnesty International has also urged UNMIK (UNMIK Regulation 2007/15 established the mandate of the Ombudsperson in Kosovo). The Norwegian Helsinki Committee stresses the importance of selecting an Ombudsperson in Kosovo with professional and moral credibility and independence and writes: “The future of the Ombudspersons´ Institution depends on the person chosen.”(16.10.2007). The Human Rights Watch, as well as Kosovo organizations, asks the Assembly of Kosovo to re-open the selection procedure (17.10.2007). Kosovo organizations demand as well that the Assembly of Kosovo will strictly follow the rules and procedures established in the law and will not allow the process to be influenced by the interests of political parties (17.10.2007).

It seems that the election procedure of the Ombudsperson will be postponed till the general election which is going to take place in Kosovo in the middle of November. International public opinion should follow information coming from Kosovo to make sure that the new Ombudsperson in Kosovo will be the one, who is going to ensure better governance and greater respect for human rights for all people living there.