Discover the findings of the Mission to the occupied Peninsula.
The visit brought together experienced human rights defenders from three Human Rights Houses. It has contributed to ensuring that the facts on the ground are known and has helped to give a voice to the Crimean people.
“The level of political repressions unleashed in Crimea in 2014 has not decreased, though the forms and types of pressure and persecution have changed,” reported Tatsiana Reviaka, member of the human rights monitoring Mission to the peninsula.
Representatives of Human Rights Houses undertook the Mission from 14-18 September 2018.

In Film – Crimea: Breaking the Wall of Silence
The Mission and this report were coordinated by Human Rights Information Center, member of Crimean Human Rights House. This project was realised by the Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House, Human Rights House Azerbaijan, Educational Human Rights House Chernihiv (Ukraine), and Crimean Human Rights House (Ukraine).
Members of the Human Rights Houses Mission held a press conference in Kyiv on their return from Crimea.