Recently newspaper “Versia” published an article about Arnold Stepanian, founder of the Multinational Georgia and a member of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders. The article reads that Counter-Intelligence Department and Defense and Security Committee of Parliament seem to be ordered to write Russian fairy-tales about spies who “comfortably work in NGOs.” Later, these fairy-tales are well-designed and spread by media sources. In fact, this publication confirms the statements spread by the Human Rights Center about the attempt of the government to discredit non-governmental organizations in the country.

1st Channel (Public Broadcasting) was the first to involve the information campaign. On International Day of Human Rights (December 10, 2009), Public Broadcasting blamed NGO Human Rights Priority in the activities against public interests. According to the telecast, the Human Rights Priority offers crushing terms to the victimized residents of Ergneti village. If the victimized people cease contract early in term, the NGO will extort 100 000 Euro from them.

The NGO prepares suits of victims of the war and IDPs for European Court of Human Rights. According to the telecast of the PB news program Moambe, the Human Rights Priority takes advantage of the war tragedy. The journalist pays particular attention to the contracts between the organization and their potential clients, based on which the Human Rights Priority provides the victims with free legal aid.

TV-Company Rustavi 2 blamed the Young Lawyers Association in failing the exchange process of hostages between Georgian and Ossetian sides. Representatives of the GYLA state the reportage of the PS relied on false facts. After the armed conflict of August 2008, GYLA sent 55 suits of more than 350 victimized people to the European Court of Human Rights. They stated GYLA does not differentiate clients based on their ethnicity;

TV-Company “Real-TV” prepared telecasts about investigative journalist Vakho Komakhidze too. However, the most interesting fact is that the telecast was shown only after Komakhidze requested political asylum in foreign country.

“Imedi TV” (Hope TV) did not stay back of the three TV-stations. Journalist Vakho Sanaia started 2010 season with the reportage “Georgians VS Georgia”.

The headline of the film tells about Georgian traitors. The lead of the film reminds the audience about historically famous renegades; alongside them the author of the reportage posted the photos of people who “negotiate with Russia” nowadays.

Round Table organization in the hotel Ambassador on January 15 was dedicated to the creation of convenient environment for the activities of the human rights defenders and non-governmental organizations. Representatives of the diplomatic corps heard all the problems of the human rights defenders in Georgia. Information campaign continues successfully. The society, which does not believe evil fairy-tales, has one question – Who is the next?

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