On 28 May 2007, the Anticorruption Coalition of NGOs (ACNGO), of which the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights is a member, took a position on the bill being drafted by the Sejm [Lower House] regarding limitations on holding public office. Coalition members decided to present their comments on the bill as it materially amends current regulations. (29-MAY-07)

Written by Marta Lempicka/HRH Warsaw

Positive remarks by the Coalition
The coalition expressed its approval for: expanding the scope of individuals subject to anticorruption regulations – e.g. directors of courts of appeal and district courts, individuals holding upper-level positions at the Social Insurance Office, and closing gaps in the catalogue of activities that cannot be performed by individuals holding public office (that may result in conflicts of interest, e.g. a prohibition against membership in the Management Board of an association conducting business activity), as well as introducing the principle of transparency with respect to all entities filing asset declarations.

Negative remarks by the Coalition
The coalition negatively evaluated the proposal to introduce criminal sanctions in the draft bill on Neglect of Duty by Public Officials. Penalties of imprisonment are planned for violation of the prohibition against combining public office with private sector activity. According to the Coalition, expansion to three years of the prohibition against undertaking employment in businesses with respect to which a public officer issued administrative decisions goes too far, even given the Polish reality. The Coalition also feels it is necessary to remove ambiguity as to the scope of individuals subject to the future act. In addition to enumerated positions, the regulations would currently also cover “other individuals holding public office pursuant to separate regulations.”

What is ACNGO?
The ACNGO Coalition was established before the 2001 parliamentary elections, when the Batory Foundation, Social Communication Foundation, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and the Polish section of Transparency International collected signatures for a petition appealing to political parties to fight corruption. They also then collected proposals from national election committees concerning ways to prevent corruption. Since that time, the Coalition has regularly monitored electoral campaigns with respect to corruption. Currently, ACNGO consists of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Center for Citizenship Education, Social Communication Foundation, Stefan Batory Program Against Corruption, Local Civic Group Leaders Association and the School for Leaders Association.