On 10 April, as part of the Thursday Club, the Association POLIS invited the originators and participants of the undertaking ´Hominem Quaero´ to share their experiences from the implementation of this pro-tolerance project, which was created as an answer to a need of breaking interculutral and interpersonal barriers in a culturally and ethnically homogeneous polish society.(11-APR-08)

Prepared by: Agnieszka Chmielecka/ HRH Warsaw
Image of Diogenes: Wikipedia

´Hominem Quaero´, i.e. ´In search of a human being´, is a project implemented at Warsaw high schools by the Association of Drama Practitioners STOP-KLATKA. Through workshop activities using the method of drama young people familiarize themselves with the issue of discrimination, xenophobia and racism – the cause for their existence and their consequences. They are taught openness towards “otherness” as well as tolerance. In order to help achieve this, experts and representatives of other cultures as well as national and ethnic minorities are invited to cooperate. The invited guests talked about ´searching for a human being´ and presented a recording of a performance regarding discrimination, created by a theater group during the 1st edition of the project, as well as a short documentary prepared by a journalist group about the views of Polish men and women on discrimination, xenophobia and racism. The presentation was followed by a discussion.

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