With regard to the case of deprivation of life of Nika Kvintradze, GYLA asked the UK forensic firm, DABS Forensic Ltd to carry out forensic image comparison of photo and video materials allegedly showing the detention of Nika Kvintradze.  A forensic analysis and comparisons of pictures  suggests that a protester – Nika Kvintradze, was among those arrested by the riot police.

In this regard, Tamar Chugoshvili, the head of GYLA, said that the testimonies prove that Kvintradze had been arrested by the police.

In addition to this  GYLA obtained a statement from a witness (they refrain from revealing the witness identity for safety concerns) who was hiding in the youth palace during the rally dispersal on May 26 and left the territory from the very same roof where dead bodies were found in the morning of May 26. In his statement the witness notes that he did not see any dead bodies on the roof.

“The fact that during the rally dispersal excessive use of force by the police was evident, resulting in serious health damages inflicted to participants, and the fact that a number of cases of inhumane treatment against detained rally participants have already been observed at police departments, produce substantiated doubts that Nika Kvintradze’s death may have resulted from the use of force by the police”, – said Tamta Mikeladze, Strategic litigation lawyer at GYLA.

GYLA believes that it is necessary to renew investigation into Nika Kvintradze’s case and properly examine and evaluate all facts and evidence. Furthermore, due to high public interest in the case, GYLA thinks that the investigation is obligated to publicize evidence in the case, such as photo/video material of dead bodies found on the scene, forensic analysis of electric circuit on the scene and findings of post-mortem forensic analysis.

The Ministry of Interior of Georgia has downplayed the allegations of the GYLA and accused them to lies. The Head of the Analytical Department of Ministry of Internal Affairs, Shota Utiashvili declared that Nika Kvintradze was not among the arrested on May 26 and he was found dead on Rustaveli Avenue on May 30. He said that the person, who was seen on the video detained by the police on May 26, was Giorgi Bakradze, who currently lives in the Kareli town of the Shida Kartli Region, alive and healthy.

“The organization, which portrays itself as independent and credible one, allows itself to disseminate such lies, to disseminate such information, which, I am sure, they know is absolute lie, absolute fabrication and slander,” MP Gabashvili told Rustavi 2 TV.

On September 7 GYLA released its comment in response to the Statement of the Ministry of Interior Affairs and underlined that the released information was based on the findings of an independent forensic analysis bureau, which explicitly indicates that images on photo and video materials submitted by GYLA belong to one and the same person. Therefore, MIA’s allegation that GYLA has intentionally distorted facts is groundless.

On September 6 the Republican Party released a statement saying that the finding of GYLA-commissioned report showed, that Kvintradze died after being arrested by the police and that there “is a high probability” that the law enforcement agencies were in “orchestrated efforts to cover-up the crime.”

“In this situation, the President of Georgia has to make a choice: to either use all the available for him means to secure a prompt, objective and comprehensive investigation of the case or to become part of a cover-up of this terrible crime,” the Republican Party said in the statement.

On September 8, representatives of NGOs held a solidarity rally in support of the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association, outside the office of GYLA. They declared their solidarity to GYLA that has been subject to incorrect comments by the authorities after it published findings of a British forensic analysis bureau regarding the case of Nika Kvintradze who died during the May 26 developments.

Tamar Gabisonia, the Head of the Board of Organization “Article 42 of the Constitution” expressed her concern about the negative campaign waged against GYLA: “I am here to support GYLA, because it is clear that investigations didn’t carry out comprehensive, objective and effective investigation into Nika Kvintradze’s case. The very important facts and evidence were ignored.  Furthermore, some media outlets broadcasted reports aimed to discredit GYLA. I think that, in democratic country it is unacceptable to wage such an unfounded attack against representatives of civil society”.

 NGOs also released a special petition. At the demonstration, more than twenty NGOs signed the petition. NGOs called on the media representatives – namely, Rustavi 2 and Imedi broadcasting companies to observe journalistic ethic norms when preparing a news report and to publicly apologize before GYLA and the Georgian population for distortion of facts and the Government of Georgia – to immediately renew investigation into the death of Nika Kvintradze, carry out the investigation in an objective manner and inform public of its results.

Also, GYLA is working on the complaint and in the nearest future they will appeal to the self-regulation commission of Rustavi 2 and Imedi TV Companies.

Shorena Latatia