The detained persons are the following:

  • Zurab Kurtsikidze, photo-reporter of the European Pressphoto Agency (EPA);
  • Irakli Gedenidze, personal photographer of the president of Georgia, and his wife Natia Gedenidze, photo-reporter of the newspaper Prime Time, and
  • Giorgi Abdaladze, photo-reporter of the Foreign Ministry of Georgia,
  • Shah Aivazov, photo-reporter of the Associated Press.

Cell phones were seized from the photo-reporters during their detention. Computers and photo cameras were also taken away.

In the morning of July 7, Shah Aivazov was released. He left the building of Special Operations Department without any comment.

In the afternoon Ministry of Internal Affairs issued a statement: “Counter Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia has detained the following persons: Zurab Kurtsikidze, the representative of European Pressphoto Agency, Irakli Gedenidze, photographer of the President’s Administration, his spouse, Natia Gedenidze  and Giorgi Abdaladze, photographer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia.

Detainees are accused of supplying the organization, operating under the cover of one of the foreign country’s special service, with various information, against the interests of Georgia. Investigation is in progress regarding the above mentioned case.”

European Pressphoto Agency (EPA) disseminated a statement saying that “Mr. Krtsikidze personally belongs to the most reliable and accurately working of our employees. In his years of work with EPA, Zurab Kurtsikidze always worked in strict respect of journalistic ethics and within the framework authorized by Georgian Authorities”. EPA disseminated the latest photos taken by Zurab Kutsikidze and Irakli Gedenidze. The photos showed President Mickeil Saakashvili meeting Sharon Stone, protest demonstration on May 21 and facts of dispersal of protest rally on May 26.

According to Nino Andriashvili, the lawyer of Zurab Kutsikidze, the detainee has bruises on his face: “He has sign of injury on his face, however the detainee doesn’t say anything about physical pressure. Zurab confirmed that 7 persons dressed in civil clothes came to his home without providing any identification cards.”

Ramaz Chinchladze, the lawyer of Giorgi Abdaladze says that the health situation of Abdaladze is getting worse as he is on dry hunger strike.

According to the attorneys of Natia and Irakli Gedenidze, they cannot contact the investigator thus do not know whenthe charges will be brought against the detainees.

“Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights provides the rights to liberty and security of person. It guarantees the right to be informed of the reasons for the arrest and the rights to be assisted by lawyer.  Also, the family members should be informed about the location of detained. Though, ECHR court as usual gives reference to the national law if it guarantees’ the provisions of article 5.  We should emphasize that Georgian national legislation provides the same procedural rights like the Article 5 of ECHR. Specifically, everyone have right to lawyer. Also, in particular circumstances of the cases, if there is a public emergence ECHR justifies search by the police without the court decision”, – explains Natia Katsitadze, Georgian Young Lawyers Association (GYLA).