"I’ve always wanted to engage with humanitarian work," says nurse Kamilla Lehrmann, right, (30). She currently works at the Akershus University Hospital in Norway.

But now she travels to Ethiopia to make her ambition real. Kamilla is going to work for MSF Wellness Center in the city of Imey for the next six months. "The health center is located in fairly deserted area. To get there, we have to travel for two days in a car from the capital Addis Ababa," says Kamilla.

Basic help
Imey lies in Somali region, the eastern part of Ethiopia. The area is poor and dry. MSF assists people with primary health care and nutrition assistance. "I look forward to learn a lot, but I must admit that I am a little nervous now. I do not know very well where I am going to before I actually arrive," says Kamilla.

Important independence
Kamilla evaluated several organizations before she decided to apply for MSF. "I like that MSF puts independence so high," says Kamilla. "There are people who believe that individuals can not make a difference, but I disagree. My efforts can change a lot," says the young nurse from Norway.