According to Mjaaland, “random grenade attacks in densely populated areas are completely unacceptable“.

In 2009, a total of 1 137 people with blast injuries admitted to hospital Daynile. Almost half of these were women and children under 14.

Must avoid civilian casualties
MSF asks all the warring parties – including the transitional government, the African Union’s peacekeeping forces and all opposition groups – to minimize the risk of civilian casualties.

– The parties must strictly distinguish between combatants and noncombatants, and live by the principle of proportionality in warfare, said Mjaaland.

MSF is working in eight regions of Somalia. With the support of about 90 international colleagues in Kenya, the organization offers over 1500 aid workers, primary health care, treatment of malnutrition, surgery, water supply and distribution of relief items and medical assistance to internally displaced persons.

MSF does not accept government funding for its work in Somalia. The projects operated only with funds from private donors.

Norwegians in the conflict region
The region of Ethiopian – Somali conflict is highly in need of international medical aid, not only in the state of Somalia (on the map above) and in the Somali region of Ethiopia (Ogaden, below).

Tone Li Sandvik (30) and Christian Sorensen (34) from Oslo, right, are among Norwegians who decided to move to Ethiopia’s Somali region in January.

– Making a difference to people is a good motivation, says Christian.

Girlfriend and colleague Tone agrees:

– It is inspiring to help people get help and medical treatment.

Both have worked for several years in the office in Oslo, and both have MSF fields missions behind: Tone in India, Christian in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Still, the mission will present challenges for them both.

– Social structures are completely different than what we are used to in Norway. In my job I have to learn to communicate in new ways, says Tone.

Christian is also excited about his role. As a field coordinator, he has overall responsibility for the operation of the project.

– The first priority is to provide a clarified and assured the security situation, so that my colleagues can focus on the medical work, says Christian.

Tone and Christian will work in the city Imey in the impoverished Somali region. Here MSF provides basic health care and nutrition assistance.