Mr Haltzel has many years of diplomatic experience, he was an adviser of  senator Joseph Biden. In few days before the lecture dr Haltzel lived in Warsaw because of he presided the US delegation for confernece „Human Dimension Implementation Meeting” organised by OSCE.

Dr Haltzel shared his experience and observations on role that human rights play in shaping U.S. foreign policy. In his opinion USA are current where it comes to mass violations of human rights and its intervention (often armed intervention) leads to remedy the situation. He devoted especially much attention to the role of the United States in the war in former Yugoslavia. In his opinion in this concrete case European States could not prevent further bloodshed. If not U.S. intervention from air, bloodshed  would last much longer

Dr Hatzel happily noted the granting of the Nobel Peace Prize to Barack Obama. In his opinion it is a token of appreciation for the activities of the new U.S. President and his program of peacekeeping and disarmament.

Participants of the meeting asked dr. Haltzelowi many interesting and intriguing questions. These have included U.S. policy in the Middle East and consistent support of Israel (despite the clear violations of human rights by the State), pass the United States to promote human rights around the world in the situation of the death penalty in that country  and issue a comprehensive explanation and to bring accountability for the use of torture by the CIA at Guantanamo and  Abu Graib.