The fourth annual conference on the EU, Turkey and the Kurds took place in the EU Parliament in Brussles from 3-4 December. The Rafto Foundation in Bergen was one of the main organizers of this event. Leyla Zana (right), the 1994 Rafto Prize laureate opened the event. The EUTCC reflects on two days of valuable dialogue and debate (06-DEC-07).

Gunta Venge / Rafto Human Rights House Bergen.
Based on the EUTCC press release. Photos: the Rafto Foundation

The two-day conference brought together NGOs, politicians, academics and activists from Europe, Turkey, the Kurdish regions and beyond, seeking to openly address the many outstanding questions surrounding democratisation, conflict resolution, reform and human rights in Turkey and their relevance to the EU-Turkey accession process.

The current context of a grave deterioration in the reform and accession process, and the growing risk of internationalisation of the conflict in south-east Turkey, added to the importance and urgency of this year´s discussions and deliberations.

Speakers represented a wide range of opinion and approach to the obstacles facing Turkish accession to the EU, which led to lively debate and discussion. There were several points of contention amongst both audience members and speakers. While it was generally agreed that the accession process is a vital element of the Turkish democratisation process, opinions differed as to who should be party to future moves towards a resolution of the Kurdish issue. 

EUTCC chair Kariane Westrheim praised the openness of this debate and the willingness with which speakers and participants engaged with the many approaches and views on offer:

– this is precisely what is needed when addressing the often fraught issues of human rights and ongoing conflict in Turkey. Inevitably views will differ on such important topics. What is vital, however, is to provide the space in which all views can be expressed and debated. The EUTCC is delighted that this week´s conference once again provided such a space. It is essential for EU accession, democratisation and the resolution of the Kurdish question that a similar space for debate, discussion and engagement is promoted within Turkey, and that the EU lends its full support to Turkey in this regard.

The final resolutions of the conference are currently being compiled and finalised by the EUTCC Board and will shortly be made available on the EUTCC
They will also be disseminated on MESOP news service.

For more information, please contact:

Kariane Westrheim
Chair, EUTCC                               
Menneskerettighetenes Plass 1                             
5007 Bergen

Mobile: +47 97642088  