On 19 June, Aung San Suu Kyi will celebrate her 62nd birthday. But she will be celebrating her birthday alone, under house arrest. A world-wide campaign each year takes place on her birthday. There will be a gathering at the Rafto Human Rights House on 19 June at 19:00, arranged by the Amnesty International Bergen office and Burma room at the Rafto House (18-JUN-07).

Published by Gunta Venge at the Rafto Human Rights House.
Source: http://www.amnesty.no/web.nsf/pages/lokalt_hsfa

Aung San Suu Kyi is now in her 12th year of detention. She isn’t allowed to see family or friends as all visitors are banned. Her phone line is cut and her post is intercepted. Aung San Suu Kyi is now serving her third term of house arrest. She was arrested on 30 May, 2003 after the regime’s militia attacked her convoy and killed up to 100 of her supporters.