Join the letter that is being sent to the UN Secretary General regarding the respect for the fundamental rights to self-determination of the Saharawi people. Campaign is launched by Western Sahara Task Force and Belgian Committee of Support to the Saharawi People. (12-MAR-07)

Information prepared by Gunta Venge at the Human Rights House, Bergen. Source: The Norwegian Support Committee for Western Sahara

All photos: Berserk Productions

Vest-Sahara skole - Berserk.jpg

 Mister Secretary General,

 In the course of April, you will report to the Security   Council on the progress made in the Western Sahara dossier.

 It is regarding the respect for the fundamental rights to self-determination of the Saharawi people that we address this appeal to you.

 Mister Secretary General,

– The question of Western Sahara is one of decolonization, in terms of the UN Charter and of Resolution 1514(XV) and 1541(XV) of the General Assembly of the United Nations of 20 December 1960. It is therefore the direct responsibility of the UN.
– The UN, through Resolutions of the General Assembly and the Security Council, has repeatedly reaffirmed the right to self-determination of the Saharawi people and has developed various plans in settlement of the conflict, namely:
– The UN’s Settlement Plan approved by the Security Council through Resolution 658 of 27 June 1990 and 690 of 29 April 1991.
– The Houston Agreements signed in September 1997 by both conflict parties.
– The Peace Plan for Self-Determination of the People of Western Sahara elaborated by Mister James Baker III, on demand of the Security Council and approved by the Council through Resolution 1495 of 31 July 2003.

These documents clearly explain that the settlement of the Western Sahara question cannot be achieved but through a fair and just referendum on self-determination, in which the Saharawi people can express, without any restraint, their choice on their future.

Whatever the international situation may be, and however strong the pressure exercised by Morocco and its allies, the right of the Saharawi people to be consulted on their future remains the only fundamental rule which cannot be infringed nor by the occupying force, nor by the international community.

Morocco’s attempt to present a project of a “plan for autonomy” is a manoeuvre, as it is nothing more and nothing less than an illegal, unacceptable diplomatic step, which torpedoes the Saharawi’s right of choice, in addition to being incompatible with international law. Once more, it concerns an illegal act of Morocco with a view to evade the inalienable right of the Saharawi people to exercise its right to self-determination.

Mister Secretary General,

We ask the UN, and in particular the Security Council, to urgently put everything into effect for

– The completion of the process of decolonization of Western Sahara within the shortest possible timeframe, through the organisation of a referendum on self-determination
– The protection of the Saharawi population in the territories occupied by Morocco.

Sign the appeal here