Human Rights Center “Against Violence” (AVHRC) has monitored the pre-election, Election Day and post- Election situation on municipalities in Azerbaijan and reports about more irregularities (23-DEC-04).

The 29-th Sabail region CEC announced “results” of the elections after two days’ keeping the ballots.  Candidate alleges that, Mehriban Zeynalova, Tarane Jumayeva, Shahnaz (it was impossible to clarify her surname) were elected, but in the 18-th   Sabail-Yasamal CEC Sevda, Gamar and a woman, whose name could not be specified, were announced “elected”. No one of these persons held election campaign and in this precinct almost nobody knows them.The most interesting point is that list of the elected candidates, matches the list published in “Azadliq” newspaper prior to elections. These lists are completely identical.

Protocols in other regions
In the united 25-th precinct of the 26-th Nizami of Baku and the 120-th  Jebrail-Gubadli CECs  pooling boxes were not opened at all and ballots were not tabulated. Constituency Election Commission sent list of persons to be elected to the precincts. Final  protocol were filled out in accordance with this list.

Appeal to the ombudsman
It’s reported that  authorities of Nizami region also interfered with the elections.
Candidate to municipal council of Salyan city, Emil Mamedov  has appealed to Ombudsman Elmira Suleymanova. He notifies that Vagif Huseynov – brother of Alakbar Huseynov -chair of Salyan CEC 59 put his candidature for membership municipal council. But contradicting the article 22 of Election Code V.Huseynov continued to carry out his duty. As result, the CEC chair falsified the results of the election in his brother’s favor. E. Mammadov assures that although he gained the 4-th place having enough number of votes, after the falsification he fell down to the 16th place.

The candidate wanted the Ombudsman to assist him to deselect the results. Rauf Salimov and Ramin Abbasov that were observers in the precinct 26 of the 1-st Binagadi CEC 8 drew up a joint statement . In the statement it is notified that the elections in this precinct were held with violation of law. According to the statement, although 293 voters participated in the elections, there were 532 ballots in the ballot box. Representatives of New Azerbaijan Party and Executive Government interfered with the voting process. Director of the school that was the chair of PEC had students of senior classes vote. Contradicting the Election Code, police officers were at the polling station from the 8:00 to 13:50. Besides, a group of people voted several times changing their clothes. At the end, while counting the votes the observers were removed.