On December 9, in the building of  Swedish parliament the ceremony of rewarding the premium for the ” Right Livelihood Award ” 2004 has passed. There were three members of the International Society “Memorial” among the winners. (21-DEC-04)

As it is written in the decision of the award Committee the International society “Memorial”, its members and employees are awarded ” that, being in very difficult conditions, they have shown that it is necessary to write down and comprehend the history, and human rights – to observe as applied to everybody if we want to find steady decisions on questions of a heritage of the past “.

The premium ” Right Livelihood Award” was founded in 1980 and annually entrusted by parliament of Sweden; it´s called ” the alternative Nobel Prize “.

It is intended ” for a recognition and support of those who offers effective and exemplary answers to the most actual problems facing us today “.

Jakob von Uexkull, the Swedish-German philatelist, has sold the collection of rare stamps to receive initial means for creation the fund. Alfred Nobel wanted to render for merits whose work ” has brought the greatest benefit to mankind “. Jakob von Uexkull has felt, that Nobel Prizes do not cover any more many areas of practice and knowledge that became vital for our world and our future.

International society “Memorial”: nipc@memo.ru , http:// www.memo.ru.