The civil control should be carried out over all closed institutions decided participants of section ” The Civil control over authority´s actions ”  working within the framework of the All-Russia Civic Congress ” the Russian Federation for democracy, against dictatorship “. (17-DEC-04)

“There is a lobbying the bill ” About public control over observance of human rights in places of the compulsory maintenance ” at the legislative level six years” said Valery Borschev (picture), president of the Moscow inter-regional public welfare Foundation ” Social partnership”, member organization of the Russian research center for human rights. However, in his opinion, all closed institutions should become objects of the civil control.

The expert of the Institute of human rights Valentine Gefter has agreed that it is necessary not only “to implement” this law, but also to create on its model at a regional level legislative or other statutory acts which would fix work of public inspectors in other spheres, including in army and boarding establishments.

Juri Savenko, representative of the Independent Psychiatric Association of the Russian Federation, member organization of the Russian research center for human rights, has proclaimed the necessity of the civil control over psychiatric clinics. The possibilities in this sphere are very poor now. The only way for NGO is to take part in governmental control, in particular Ombudsman control.

Kuklina Ida.Ida Kuklina (picture), member of the Russian Soldier´s Mothers Union, has said about civil control over army and about necessity of transparent military budget.

Sergey Popov, the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, said that all courts should be incorporated into a uniform information network. When any person can get acquainted with the decision of court, it can lead to easing of corruption. “It is necessary to create such conditions that the authority has been compelled to supervise itself,” said Popov.

Kasparov G.Co-chairman of “Committee – 2008″, 13-th world chess champion Harry Kasparov´s has declared that authority always aspires to privacy. As he said, ” Our voices… Should influence on the position of those whom we elect, and these people should carry out the control from our name. We cannot think up anything else. It is not necessary to think out anything else. It also is the form of the civil control, it is the democratic the Russian Federation “.