When: Thursday, 18. February 2016
To: Wednesday, 9. March 2016
Host: The Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House
Contact: (shrc.belarus@humanrightshouse.org)

Customer: the Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House

The object of the study: 25 Belarusian human rights organizations, and human rights defenders

Objectives: To conduct social research and analysis in order to determine the priorities for activities and development, based on the perspective of the main challenges in the human rights field in Belarus

Type of research: interview, survey

Research methodology: the content and design of research tools are developed by the company, that wins the tender and is approved by the customer before the start of the study.

Conducting period: 3-6 months.The research begins in March 2016.

Expected result: an analytical report that summarizes data of the research according to the aims and objectives.The report should be prepared in Russian, Belarusian and English in digital format.

The tender application should include the following information:

1)      Information about the organization, including the information on experience in conducting similar research;

2)      Proposed detailed plan and timetable for the research;

3)      Proposed detailed budget of the research.

The tender applications should be sent to shrc.belarus@humanrightshouse.org no later than 9 March 2016 with the e-mail subject “Application for conducting of the social research.” The application can be submitted in Belarusian or Russian languages ​​in electronic form.

If you need any information on the aims, objectives and content of the tender, you can get the information at the following address: shrc.belarus@humanrightshouse.org .