When: Tuesday, 27. January 2015 13:00 – 14:00
Where: Strasbourg, Room 3, Palais de l’Europe, Council of Europe
Host: International Media Support & Human Rights House Foundation
Contact: Alexander Sjödin, European Advocacy Officer, Human Rights House Foundation (alexander.sjodin@humanrightshouse.org / +32 497 81 59 18)

Sponsored by:

Pieter Omtzigt (The Netherlands) and Jacob Lund (Denmark) 


  • Nils Muiznieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights

  • Aidar Botagarov, Adviser to the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media

  • Kenan Aliyev, Director, Azerbaijani service RFE/RL

  • Gulnara Akhundova, International Media Support

  • Florian Irminger, Human Rights House Foundation 
