When: Monday, 4. August 2014
To: Monday, 4. August 2014
Contact: (belarus@humanrightshouse.org / +370 5 212 77 03/63)

Today seven Belarusians are illegally imprisoned for their political views. The total term of imprisonment of these men is 37.5 years. The last of them will be released only in 2018. Since 1996, the existence of political prisoners in Belarus has become an everyday occurrence. Just during the last 18 years in Belarus there were about 200 political prisoners. Several thousand people has been subjected to different kind of repressions. 4 persons, who were political opponents of the President, have disappeared.

For three years in succession on 4 August actions of support for civil society and political prisoners in Belarus are being held in different cities and countries. Join the action now!

  • Sign a postcard and send best wishes to one of the political prisoners, or
  • Sign a postcard addressed to the President of the Republic of Belarus Aliaksandr Lukashenka, calling for the release of all political prisoners, or
  • Take a picture with a banner, calling for the release of political prisoners and supporting Belarusian civil society, so that civil society activists know that there are support for them worldwide.

Join now, because solidarity is stronger than repressions!