When: Thursday, 3. October 2013 13:15 – 14:45
To: Thursday, 3. October 2013
Where: Warsaw, Meeting room 3, Sofitel Warsaw Victoria, Ul. Królewska 11, 00]065 Warsaw, Poland
Host: Assembly of Democratic NGOs, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), Human Rights Center “Viasna”, Legal Transformation Center (LawtrenD)
Contact: Daria Vashkevich, Yury Chavusau (+37529 7079228, +375 29 6414347; / international@belngo.info)

The representative of the FIDH will present the report on the situation of political prisoners in Belarus. Special attention will be paid to the current situation with the vice-president of the International Federation for Human Rights Ales Bialiatski, who was jailed in August 2011.The conditions of detention of political prisoners would be evaluated and discussed with special attention.The Deputy Chairman of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" will present a report on the situation of freedom of peaceful assembly, and the situation with the prison system of Belarus.The representative of the Assembly of Democratic NGOs will talk about the development of the Belarusian legislation on NGOs and on the practice of law in this sphere in 2013.Special attention will be paid to: the draft law "On Public Associations"; practical application of the legal restrictions on NGOs that receive foreign and domestic donations, introduced in autumn 2011, the current situation with the registration of new NGOs and the application of Article 193.1 of the Criminal Code of Belarus, which punishes for activity on behalf of unregistered NGOs. The representative of the Legal Transformation Center will present the report on Belarus cooperation with different international human rights institutions, including the UN. The report will focus on the possibility of implementation of the special procedures and mechanisms of the UN, including such tool as the Special Rapporteur, as well as on the issue of Belarus not complying with the recommendations of the treaty bodies.