When: Tuesday, 28. May 2013
To: Saturday, 1. June 2013
Where: Vilnius
Host: LitPro, a social and cultural project by the European Humanities University (EHU)
Contact: The Steering Committee (tokino@litpro.lt)
More info: www.toKino.lt

toKino is an open platform for presenting opinions and exchanging experiences by young authors from Belarus and Lithuania, who are in search of alternative ways for voicing their concerns and / or using films and videos as a tool of social activism. 

toKino is a space for authors, researchers and activists who meet and discuss at workshops, lectures, public screenings, and presentations, throughout the festival week.

The Festival has a particular focus, among others, on an opportunity to use video as a tool of civic activism. Two sections of toKino are purposefully designed for movies touching on issues of gender equality, mobility, socialization and integration of people with special needs, migrants, and members of ethnic and religious communities in Belarus and Lithuania. These sections are called The Right to Speak, founded by the Belarusian Human Rights House in Vilnius, a festival partner, and Visa-Free Films, founded by the public VISA-FREE travel campaign (run by Belarus Watch NGO, Lithuania).

Conditions for participation in sections The Right to Speak and Visa-Free Films
The authors shall be nationals of Lithuania or Belarus in the age of not more than 30.

To participate in The Right to Speak section, an author shall submit a movie covering issues of human rights in Lithuania and Belarus: equal participation, gender equality, environment protection, or bioethics.

To participate in the Visa-Free Films section, an author shall submit a movie covering issues of mobility, visa restrictions between Belarus and the EU, or travel experience of Belarusians in the EU or Lithuanians in Belarus.

The Steering Committee is accepting applications to the festival.

The dead-line for applications and the films to be submitted is 1st May, 2013.

More about the Festival idea, terms and conditions for participation: www.tokino.lt

The Steering Committee: tokino@litpro.lt
