When: Tuesday, 16. February 2010 17.30-20.15
Where: Bergen, Rafto House
Host: Amnesty International Norway Region West
Contact: (vest@amnesty.no)
More info: www.amnesty.no/web.nsf/pages/8B84871584AAFBDAC12573D00045AF9C

Welcome to training and seminars on the topic of what kind of activities we can undertake to get media coverage and the most signatures.


17.30 Welcome!

17.45 Start

18.00 Introduction to security and human rights (Tanja)


19.00 Workshop: activism around the spring peak (resource)

20.00 Summary & feedback

20.15 End


Tanja Clifford, tel. 99226488, email: tclifford@amnesty.no

From the resource group, email: vest@amnesty.no

It would be nice for us to know if you come within 12th February by vest@amnesty.no