Around 700 people took part in the action and the procession, which took place in the center of Minsk on 26 April.

Civil activist from Homel Yury Rubtsou came in a T-shirt with the text “Lukashenka, go away” on the front, and “Arrest me. The grounds? I am against Lukashenka.” on the back. He was arrested during the action. Rubtsou was brought to court without a T-shirt, just wearing pants.

Civil activist Leanid Smouzh and his friend Mikalai Kolas were also detained during the action. They took a public transport to go to the action. Some plain-cloth men sat behind them in the trolleybus, and a blue minibus rode in front of the trolleybus. Afterwards the detainees were put in this bus. Mikalai Kolas was beaten in a police bus during the detention. He told the court that the offence report was written under torture and he was not allowed to call home.

On 28 April the court of Minsk’s Savetski district considered administrative charges brought against six participants of the Chernobyl Way procession, who were detained immediately after the action. All those, who were detained during a protest, were sentenced to 15-20 days in jail.

Preventively, before the “Chernobyl Way” six people were detained and sentenced to terms ranging from 5 to 25 days. Former political prisoners Aliaksandr Frantskevich and Zmitser Dashkevich got the longest terms – 25 days.

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