The subcommittee is made up of 11 Sejm deputies, including Ryszard Kalisz, Robert Biedroń, Arkadiusz Mularczyk, Tadeusz Iwiński, Andrzej Halicki and Anna Fotyga. Its members will select the chair from amongst their number.

The subcommittee will be responsible for regular oversight of the measures taken by the Government to enforce ECtHR judgments and the review of an annual government report.

The body was set up in response to numerous appeals of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and non-governmental organisations.

Today’s Rzeczpospolita, a national daily, runs an article of Adam Bodnar and Dominika Bychawskiej-Siniarska on the creation of the new subcommittee.

In the authors’ opinion “the European system of human rights protection can only function properly if the Council of Europe’s member states successfully enforce judgments of the Strasbourg court. The subsidiarity principle requires the member states to organise their justice systems in a way which prevents human rights violations or remedies existing violations.”