In early February of 2009, it became known that the premises of the Human Rights House in Voronezh – a community of civil and human rights organizations, the place for various youth and civic action groups, were going to be sold.

Civil and political activists of Homel sent an appeal to the Governor of Voronezh, Alexey Gordeev, asking him not to take away the premises of the Human Rights House.

The copies of this appeal were sent to the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Voronezh region, the head of the city district of Voronezh, the chairman of the Presidential Council for Civil Society Institutions and Human Rights of Russian Federation, and the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Russian Federation.

The Human Rights House consists of several organizations, including public socially-oriented, charitable and human rights organizations. It is known far beyond the borders of Voronezh and the Voronezh region, and it is one of the largest and oldest centers for the maintenance and protection of the rights of citizens in Russia.

There are about ten associations and organization working In the Human Rights House, including the Confederation of Free Labor, Inter-regional human rights group “Memorial”, the unions of writers and journalists. In May 2013 the Department of Property and Estate Relations of the Voronezh City Administration sent the information to the organizations in this building, that their leases were ceased and that they shall leave the premises.

“The activities of the HRH participating organizations are well-known in Russia and abroad. They provide a positive image of the city, the region and the country as a whole, confirming the thesis of the crucial role of NGOs in promoting mutual understanding and trust between the state and civil society. Due to the work of our colleagues from the HRH, we also know of Voronezh as one of the centers of social activity in Russia “, – Leanid Sudalenka commented .

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