

HRHF recognises that lasting human rights change can be achieved when a strong and independent civil society is united in solidarity and able to freely contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights at home and abroad.


Our strategy

To work towards achieving its vision, HRHF has identified three strategic goals for the period 2024-2028:

Strategic Goal 1: We will strengthen the capacities of Human Rights Houses (HRHs) to advance human rights at home and abroad

HRHF supports HRHs and their member organisations to provide human rights defenders and civil society a stable and safe base for their vital work. The Human Rights House concept is built around the enduring values of solidarity and partnership, it is flexible and adjusted to the local needs, enabling them to unite their efforts, amplify their voices and together, effectively advance human rights. 

By supporting, strengthening and protecting the capacities of the HRH member organisations, HRHF contributes to the resilience and sustainability of independent civil societies in the countries where HRHs operate. 

Strategic Goal 2: We will strengthen the Network of Human Rights Houses and its impact on core human rights

HRHF connects HRHs and their member organisations in the international Network of Human Rights Houses. The Network is a community, which provides opportunities for building meaningful transnational connections and solidarity, transfer of competencies, increased protection, and regional and thematic collaboration. United, the Network works to raise awareness and increase the impact on the human rights agenda nationally, regionally and internationally. The Network is HRHF’s most direct stakeholder. 

During this strategic period, we aim to expand the Network beyond the current geographic regions of Eastern & Western Europe, the Caucasus, and the Balkans, in addition to increasing the number of HRHs in the current regions. Network expansion will help us have more impact on the human rights agenda.  

To further increase the sustainability and resilience of the Network, in this strategic period HRHF will not only serve as a focal point for Network engagement but will also encourage and support horizontal cooperation and empower members of the Network to lead thematic and regional work.

Strategic Goal 3: We will strengthen the promotion and protection of the rights which underpin independent civil society

Systemic human rights gains are achieved, in part, by strategic long-term advocacy. To fulfil our mission, HRHF advocates for the promotion and protection of four key rights which underpin independent civil society and an enabling environment for it to promote and protect human rights. At the same time, HRHs and their members work on a wider range of rights, reflecting the needs and contexts in which they operate. 

In the Network, HRHF serves as an expert on intergovernmental and international organisations and advises on opportunities for Network members to advance domestic goals within them. HRHF also strengthens engagement and cooperation between HRHs and other domestic and international human rights partners and stakeholders to advance national advocacy objectives. 

HRHF targets decision-makers and diplomats to raise awareness and lobby on policies related to our mission. HRHF targets international intergovernmental organisations including the UN, EU, CoE and OSCE at regional and international level in its work to protect and advance human rights. HRHF lobbies intergovernmental organisations to ensure the inclusion and active participation of civil society. HRHF also provides recommendations to strengthen human rights mechanisms and standards and reports on human rights trends. By reporting regularly on the situation of HRDs in the Network, HRHF identifies and highlights human rights trends in the region.

In order to achieve the three strategic goals, HRHF works towards an inwards-facing fourth goal, which focuses on sustainability and well-functioning of the organisation.

These goals were developed following HRHF’s theory of change that lasting human rights change is possible when an independent civil society is strong, and rights that make it possible to hold individuals and institutions accountable are protected nationally and internationally.



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