Support Human Rights Houses
HRHF helps to establish and maintain good governance and connects Houses to the expertise that is available within and beyond the network of Human Rights Houses.
While establishing Human Rights Houses is often a long and resource-intense process, it is not the end goal for Human Rights House Foundation or member organisations of the Houses.
In order to achieve best possible impact and continue serving the human rights cause in often changing environments, Houses need support from HRHF and from other Houses who have been through similar experiences.
Support ranges in a number of forms: HRHF strives to ensure some funding opportunities for the operation of the Houses right after their establishment. Through HRHF, Houses are able to receive some funding to have well-functioning administration in place, and are then able to secure funding from other sources.
HRHF helps to establish and maintain good governance and connects Houses to the expertise that is available within and beyond the network of Human Rights Houses.
HRHF supports Houses by providing – where possible and there is needed – core funding for premises and operational costs, as well as funding joint projects implemented by two or more member organisations of a House. We also aid the development of organisational processes, strategies, governance, and internal policies and procedures.
We support Human Rights Houses in the following areas:
HRHF shares experience, provides institutional assessment, supports evaluations, and connects organisations with partners from other Houses. Through this, we build the capacity of organisations and support their professional development, to ensure they can jointly govern the Human Rights House and ensure its sustainability.
HRHF supports the Houses by directly raising funds for core support and joint projects, assists Houses’ fundraising efforts, and opens doors for them to access international opportunities.
Human Rights House Foundation advocates with Human Rights Houses nationally, regionally and internationally.
Read more about HRHF’s advocacy work with Human Rights Houses.
HRHF’s support for Houses makes them stronger, more sustainable institutions that are better able to serve human rights organisations and the human rights cause. It makes them more effective in advocating for change and communicating their message.
Core funding invested into premises for Houses and covering part of operation costs enables Houses and their members to focus on their vital human rights work, while strong governance ensures that decisions in Houses are made democratically and that leaders are held accountable.