
House to House fund

Each year, our House-to-House (H2H) Project Fund supports various human rights projects organised collaboratively between two or more Human Rights Houses and their member organisations.


About H2H

This unique funding opportunity provides support for collaborative initiatives to advance human rights priorities in countries with Human Rights Houses. The House-to-House Project Fund supports civil society-led projects to address specific and local human rights challenges. In implementing these projects Human Rights Houses and their member organisations have opportunities to collaborate and exchange experience with other Human Rights Houses and broader civil society organisations and actors in their communities and countries.

Established in 2017, the fund embodies the solidarity and collaborative nature at the heart of the Human Rights House concept. It helps to strengthen and connect Human Rights Houses, encourages knowledge and competency sharing, increases capabilities and capacities, and ultimately enhances the impact on human rights in local communities.

Human Rights House Foundation’s House-to-House Project Fund is implemented thanks to the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Top photo by Alina Smutko, exhibited as part of “Stories from occupied Crimea”.


Past H2H projects

H2H projects in 2023

In 2023 most of the supported projects within House-to- House Fund were aimed at the protection of human rights defenders.

Read more.

Reports from previous years:


Latest H2H projects