May 17 is the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, which is dedicated to the decision of the World Health Organization to remove homosexuality from the list of diseases on May 17, 1990. The day was first marked in Georgia in 2013. Three years ago, participants of the demonstration were physically abused.

On May 17, 2016 the government of Georgia could not ensure peaceful environment for the demonstration dedicated to the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia and could not give security guarantees to the organizers. The independent group of activists states they cancelled public demonstrations due to lack of security guarantees. However, members of the community and other activists organized some events to demonstrate their protest to homophobia and transphobia. As a result, some activists were arrested, among them were two employees of the Union Sapari, member organization of the HRHT.

HRHT addresses to relevant state institutions and request to commence immediate and impartial investigation into the fact and to identify whether law enforcement officers had abused their power or not. The state institutions shall take all appropriate measures to combat hate crimes in the country. HRHT calls on the authority to ensure inevitable defense of human rights in the country.

  • Undersignatory organizations: 
  • HRHT and its member organizations:
  • Human Rights Center
  • Union Sapari
  • Article 42 of the Constitution
  • Media Institute
  • Georgian Center for Psycho-Social and Medical Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (GCRT)